

The Dangers of Mail Order Aligners

Many people want a straighter smile, and they want it fast, discreetly, and easy. Over the past decade, orthodontic treatment has evolved quickly, and today discreet options like clear braces and clear aligner therapy are increasing in popularity. Aligners quickly rose in popularity in most orthodontic offices. However, there is another side to clear aligner therapy outside of

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The Damage to Your Child’s Teeth from Thumb-Sucking

When it comes to child development, thumb-sucking is a perfectly normal and beneficial method of self-soothing used throughout infancy and early childhood. However, this habit can negatively impact your child’s dental health if it continues after the teeth start to emerge from the gums. Over time, thumb-sucking can cause misalignments of the teeth and even

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Choosing Between Removable Retainers and Fixed Retainers

Braces and clear aligners like Invisalign or Laster Perfect Smile aligners shift your teeth into the proper position to give you a functional bite and a perfect smile. After you have completed your orthodontic treatment and your appliances are removed, your teeth can shift back out of place without help. This is why after orthodontic

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Invisalign vs. Invisalign Teen: What’s The Difference?

Many teens and adults have orthodontic concerns, like crooked teeth or an overbite, that need to be resolved. Young adolescents and older adults often want to enjoy a straighter smile, but the thought of wearing braces seems a bit daunting. Fortunately for those with aesthetic concerns, there are a variety of options for less noticeable

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